Grey Eminence
Grey Eminence: A Study in Religion and Politics is a book by Aldous Huxley published in 1941. It is a biography of François Leclerc du Tremblay, the French monk who served as advisor to Cardinal de Richelieu. He was also known as Father Joseph and as l'éminence grise; that phrase originally referred to du Tremblay.
The political and economic commentator David P. Goldman called this book "The best book on the intelligence operations of the French state [during the 30 Years War]".
Novels |
Short stories |
Short story collections |
Poetry |
- The Burning Wheel (1916)
- Jonah (1917)
- The Defeat of Youth (1918)
- Leda (1920)
- Arabia Infelix (1929)
- The Cicadias and Other Poems (1931)
- Collected Poetry (1971)
Travel writing |
Essay collections |
Screenplays |
Non-fiction |
Plays |
- The Discovery (based on Frances Sheridan) (1924)
- The World of Light (1931)
- The Gioconda Smile (play version, also known as Mortal Coils) (1948)
- The Genius and the Goddess (play version, with Betty Wendel) (1957)
- The Ambassador of Captripedia (1965)
- Now More Than Ever (1997)
Children's books |
Other books |